Maine 2017
July 4th, 2017
Monroe and I went to Harpswell, Maine, for the Fourth of July with my mom to see one of her friends. The house had an amazing view overlooking the sound. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time there, but we did enjoy the time we got.
The first stop was to pick up 20 fresh live lobsters for dinner that night. Lobsters are so much cheaper when you can go to the docks yourself and pick them up. I even brought Monroe to get her own lobster.
She is such a model dog. How stinking cute.
Before cooking the lobsters we had a lobster race… lets just say, there wasn’t a winner and I think they knew what was coming.
Potts Point Landing
One day we did a short two-mile hike on the Cliff Trail through a land of fairy houses that people built over the years. There were signs, small piles of sticks considered the fairy houses, and a lot of writing on trees.
At the main vantage point of the trail, “the cliff”, you get a high-up view and can see for a good mile down one of the sound inlets.
After the hike, we headed to Bailey Island for lunch. Harpswell is considered one of five fingers off of the coast of Maine and Bailey/Orr’s Island is its neighbor. Bailey Island is the typical Maine Island you think of with all of the fishing buoy’s attached to the outside of buildings and docks every 100 feet. We sat down behind Morse’s Cribstone Grill for a seafood lunch and a view.
The cliffs mixed with the turquoise water splashing up the sides made it relaxing.
The original Lands End store is also located at the end of the island.
After lunch, we stop at this local old-school candy shop on Orr’s Island.
Island Candy Co serves up various chocolates, hard candies, and ice cream for every sweet tooth.
Maine was beautiful and I would love to go back to explore more.